Would you like to participate in research on positive psychology and moral psychology? Then click on the link below. These are studies I am doing with my graduate students and with colleagues at other universities. I can't offer any money, but I'll explain what the studies are about afterwards.
The studies below have been reviewed and approved by the Internal Review Board (the research ethics board) at the University of Virginia. Because the studies are all anonymous and involve little or no risk to you, the IRB does not require that we have you read and sign a formal "informed consent" document. However, we do want to point out that if you do volunteer, then you should feel free to stop or withdraw from the study at any time: just close your browser window. If you have any questions or complaints about a study, please feel free to contact me: haidt[at]virginia.edu, or the chair of the IRB at UVA, Dr. Tonya Moon: irbsbshelp[at]virginia.edu
IF YOU ARE NOT 18 OR OLDER, please do not continue. Federal research rules do not permit research on minors without the consent of a parent.
Study #1: Learn about your own morality. Take questionnaires about moral psychology at: www.yourmorals.org. You'll be asked to register first. Then you'll see that several of the studies are about happiness and positive emotions. (E.g., the Beauty scale, Satisfaction with Life scale, Well-Being and Social Relationships scale, Experiential Purchasing scale, and Mindfulness scale.)
Thank you for your help!
Jonathan Haidt